Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Yardsale Success Part II...

Having a yard sale is much like giving birth to an infant. It's time consuming to prepare for, awful to go through yet when it is over the bad memories eventually fade and you are ready to do it again. I am not yet at that phase. In fact, I've been so traumatized by my most recent yard sale that I am convinced I will hang it up forever.

With that said I will first warn you that there will be no Yard Sale Success Part III. This is it. Once I write about this I will move on to more things that don't cause me to have post traumatic nightmares.

Once I was finished with tagging everything and organizing items into accessible boxes I packed up my stuff (2 FULL van loads) and hauled it all out to my dads. This took 2 full days, as I was also helping out my step mom with her own yard sale stuff. The following picture is the before and after of just the clothing items. I still had a lot of other *stuff* that my mom and my mother in law contributed.

I decided the day before the start of the weekend that I would be super crafty and I made a couple of aprons for holding money. One for myself and one for my step mom. Mostly my motive for this is because in the past I've always just kept my money in a zipper bag that I was notorious for leaving around. This way I could not lose my stash of cash.

A couple of extra helpful pointers for a successful tag sale is to collect your wal-mart/grocery bags for a couple of months before. People love to have bags to hold their items and the more they can hold the more they can buy. Another important pointer is to get about $40 in lower bills and about $5 in quarters so that you can give out change. And be certain to keep count of how much you started with and subtract it from what you made in the end. This way you don't get too excited if you think you made $50.00 when you started out with $40 only to forget to separate your money.

My own yard sale was overall successful. In the many years this event has occurred we've been fortunate not to have experienced weather interferences. However, this year, it rained the entire day Friday. This was not a good start because in the past Friday's have always been my money making day. I generally make about 75% of my total on Friday, partially because many Amish come into town on this day and another adjoining neighborhood has their big yard sale on Saturday.

Nevertheless, we sucked it up and went on with the show. We used my dad's car-port as well as his canopy to help keep our stuff dry, but it was an ongoing drizzle that just made everything damp, including our stuff. I was lucky I pulled a $200 day with all of the circumstances.

Thankfully, Saturday turned out to be beautiful. The weather was perfect for a yard sale. We were able to move the show to the actual *yard*.

In the end my total collection of money (I can't call it a profit because of course I spent much, much more on the actual products) was about $520. I say about because the kids bummed at least $20 off of me for food, ice cream and yard sale shopping for themselves. So I didn't include that amount. This was a bit low, but considering the rain on Friday I was pleased. Also, I left my dad's with just 1/8 of what I came with.

Just 3 days later I am still a bit traumatized by the event, mostly because of little old women who want a $40 Ralph Lauren sweater that still has price tags on it for 50 cents. At this point I am convinced I will just start to sell most of my stuff on eBay, but in a year I will likely change my mind.

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